Daily progress — App Navigation
Unity has several ways of ‘wiring’ the panels together, one is strictly through code which offers the most control, the other is going through Unitys own editor. Since this is a very simple navigation flow, we can have this working in 15 minutes using the latter method!
For example, in the main menu, we can directly attach the Find Case search panel to the Main Menus Find Case button, and then select ‘set active’ and click the true box to activate the panel when we press the button while the app is playing.
Now that we have the app playing, we press the Find Case button and voila! The Find Case Search Panel is activated! Thanks to Unity, we’ve quickly created app navigation in minutes without any coding!
There’s still the issue of the border menu not being activated. We can just add a new onClick event to the same button and choose to activate that as well.
And if we press the find case button now…
The search panel will take us to the select panel so let’s wire it.
And let’s test it…
WooHoo! It’s starting to come together! Now in our Select Panel, our Accept button will take us to the Overview section/panel. So let’s set that up the same way as all the others!
And now in action!
In the next example for create case, I’ll just link all of the panels in sequence: Create_Case -> Create_Case_Panel -> Location_Panel -> Take_Photo_Panel -> Overview Container:
Now let’s test it out:
Every link works correctly! And that concludes the panel section, next we’ll begin to code the panels to add functionality.