Creating a Zombie Shooter — Setting things up and making a physics-based player controller.
After starting a new Unity project, we created a cube that we stretched to 20x,0,20z and added a capsule for the player. To bring a bit of moodiness, we changed the lighting to a more spooky blue.
Next, like in the 2.5D course, we created a physics based player controller:
First we’ll create the player script and add it to the Player object, and then we’ll add a character controller component as well.
We were given the challenge to write the character controller with some tips on how to solve it:
//get handle to character controller.
//WASD Keys for movement
//input system (horizontal, vertical)
//direction = vector to move
//velocity = direction * speed
//if jump
//velocity = new velocity with added y.
//controller.move(velocity *
Sounds simple enough! Let’s program it!
Get handle to character controller:
It’s best practices to nullcheck any component so let’s create something that will alert our developers if character controller isn’t assigned.
We’re going to need a speed variable so that our player doesn’t scoot forward like a person waiting in line at the DMV.
Let’s throw in a jump variable for good measure:
And if we’re going to jump, let’s add some gravity:
We ran into some issues last time with our character controller due to variables being zeroed out every frame so let’s create a holder for velocity y.
WASD Movement
Unity has built in WASD movement via the horizontal and vertical input axis so let’s just use those:
Direction = Vector to move
We put the vertical input in the z-axis so up and down gets translated to forward and backwards.
Now that we created velocity, we can modify it for jumping:
First, we check if the character is grounded, the character will only be able to jump if they’re on the ground. if they are, we’ll check for the jump button/spacebar, and once done, we’ll assign _jumpHeight to the _yVelocity temporary variable holder.
next, we’ll allow gravity to do its thing, and finally assign _yVelocity to the actual velocity variable.
Altogether now!
and now, the moment of truth!
Working perfectly! Tomorrow we’ll get into cameras!