App Design Flow — Building Enterprise Apps with Unity
Now that we’re done creating all of the panels (whew!), We are now tasked to write the program that will bring them all together into one cohesive whole.
We were given a navigation flow map before:
But this is different from an application flow map. The navigation flow map gives us a visual map to see how all of the screens will flow from the user experience. We’ll need to create an Application flow map that shows us how the program will navigate the app, not the user.
Here is the App Design Flow, We’ll have a UI Manager that handles all of the interactions between the panels, and each panel will contain a processInfo() function that will handle each panels data in whatever way it needs it. Finally, when we reach our final panel, the UI Manager will gather all the data from all of the processInfo() functions and display them into the overview panel.
While extremely straightforward, it’s always useful to plan ahead and actually write things out. As programmers, it’s usually easier to just go ahead and dive in and start coding, planning the app flow beforehand will make things clear and help solidify the concept in our heads which will ultimately make the coding process easier.