Adventures in GameDev with GameDevHQ: Day 7, a better editor layout!
The default layout is OK but according to Jonathan Weinberger, there’s a much more professional layout you could and should be using. What’s great about Unity’s interface is you can change windows around to your liking so you can be more productive, so let’s begin!
Next drag the game view below the scene and align it with the project window. You want to see your changes real time and this will allow you to do that, if you’re working on a mobile game, you can also move the screen to the right.
Next, you’ll want to change your project library to a one column layout for better legibility.
Finally, go to the upper right hand corner and save the layout. You now have added this awesome layout to your arsenal of predefined layouts!
Next, we’ll start getting into the thick of game development and begin with simple player movement!